CETO Next Generation
About the project
Carnegie is undertaking a new development project to significantly improve the performance and reduce the cost of the CETO technology. New innovations coupled with a digital development approach is providing the opportunity to rapidly iterate the design like never before.
New tools and technologies are disrupting many industries and Carnegie sees wave energy and its technology in an excellent position exploit these opportunities. This project will develop and integrate the following innovations into the core CETO technology.
- Machine learning (artificial intelligence) – Ocean waves are complex and non-linear so the laws of physics that govern them are computationally very expensive to solve. Neural networks used in machine learning can make sense of the apparent chaos, allowing CETO to ‘see’ the waves before they arrive, understand the energy contained within them and adapt to maximise energy capture or avoid damaging forces
- Advanced electrical generators – The electric vehicle (EV) boom is delivering ever more efficient and low-cost motor/generator units that can be used in CETO’s power take-off (PTO). Not limited to just passenger vehicles; trucks and mining vehicles are also following this trend delivering a variety of motor/generator sizes to draw upon
- Novel hydrodynamics – Carnegie has been investigating a variety of novel hydrodynamic techniques for some time. Some of our oldest patents cover concepts that are increasingly relevant as optimisation of the system layout develops. Also, machine learning controllers can adapt to complex shapes that in the past would have difficult to optimise
- Optimised system configuration – Various opportunities exist to modify the system configuration to reduce cost with minimal effect on energy capture and conversion. Supercomputing provides the number crunching capacity to simulate the scenarios and arrive at the optimum faster than ever before