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Carnegie Features on ausbiz Small Caps series

September 27, 2022
Carnegie's CEO Jonathan Fievez has featured in the ausbiz small caps segment with host David Koch to talk about the company's recent contract award for Phase 2 of the EuropeWave program. Tune in from just after 12 minutes for the segment. Click here to watch.

Carnegie wins Phase 2 EuropeWave PCP Contract

September 23, 2022
Carnegie, via its wholly owned subsidiary, CETO Wave Energy Ireland Limited, has been selected as 1 of 5 contractors to deliver Phase 2 of the €20m EuropeWave Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) Programme, a competitive programme to advance wave energy. This follows the competitive selection and successful performance of CETO in Phase 1 of the programme. CETO Wave Energy Ireland Limited was selected alongside four other companies, out of the initial seven that delivered Phase 1, to deliver Phase 2 of the programme. Phase 2 includes Front End Engineering Design (FEED), wave tank testing, power take off component testing and related certification...

Hewlett Packard Enterprise showcases CETO and Reinforcement Learning Based controller at HPE Discover 2022

June 30, 2022
Carnegie was up on the big screen at HPE Discover 2022 this week, one of the biggest conferences in the technology calendar. Click here to watch HPE’s Paolo Faraboschi talk about the work we are doing to revolutionise wave power with AI. The three-day conference was held in Las Vegas, Nevada 28-30 June. Carnegie held a place on the conference floor, showcasing the work being done under its collaboration agreement with Hewlett Packard Enterprises on Reinforcement Learning-based controllers. CETO was on display in the interactive HPE wave tank, demonstrating its ability to adapt and operate in different wave conditions. Carnegie...

Carnegie Achieves CETO Digital Development Pathway Commercial Target

June 7, 2022
Carnegie is pleased to announce that its Digital Development Pathway has achieved its commercial target, through the cost and performance improvements of CETO. These improvements have reduced CETO’s timeframe to commercialisation, making its pathway comparable to the historical progression of solar PV and offshore wind. The completion of the Digital Development Pathway signals the escalation of commercialisation activities. This is a key milestone and showcases how, with deployment, wave energy can become a commercially competitive and widely adopted technology. The work undertaken has delivered a step change improvement in cost and performance which will place CETO in a strong position...

Carnegie participates in Ocean Energy Events in Hobart, Tasmania

May 13, 2022
Carnegie was invited to present and speak at three ocean energy events held in Hobart, Tasmania. The team first attended the Australian Ocean Energy Market Summit, a signature event hosted by the Australian Ocean Energy Group with the objective of supporting an increase in market adoption of renewable ocean energy in Australia. Our Chief Commercial Officer, Brighid Jay, delivered a presentation during the developer showcase talking about Carnegie’s suite of products and the various market needs they address. While over at the 2022 Tasmanian Salmon Symposium our Chief Technology Officer, Alexandre Pichard, went through the MoorPower™ spin off product during...

Carnegie awarded EuropeWave PCP Contract

December 7, 2021
Carnegie, via its wholly owned subsidiary, CETO Wave Energy Ireland Limited, has been selected as 1 of 7 contractors to deliver Phase 1 of the €20m EuropeWave Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) Programme, a competitive programme to advance wave energy. Carnegie has been awarded €291k (A$463k) for Phase 1 to deliver a CETO tank testing campaign and a CETO concept design for sites in Scotland and the Basque Country, subject to contract signing. Phase 1 will commence on 3rd January 2022 and run for 7 months. The EuropeWave project has received fundingfrom the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under...